Who are we?

At the BEGINNING there was Wanderlost, A satirical miniseries. And then, wanderlost became wanderlost.tv, a multi-hyphened website.

HERE, you’ll find poetry, photos, our show evidently, and flagship videos and projects ; come back.

Yes, we are available on Amazon Prime. But we have been CENSORED! So come and watch the show‘s full version here.

Wanderlost The Series - Season1
One time


AFTER SPENDING 18 MONTHS IN CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, and making a show about it, our creator Marine spent almost 6 years in Los Angeles - where she studied dance with Ryan Heffington’s revolutionary Sweat Spot. Elixir of LIFE * Elixir de Fe-Li * Elixir de Vie is the result of that time: a celebration of Los Angeles’ youth, far from the big cars and influencers cliches, and maybe the only footage you’ll find with no palmtrees. 🌴

Watch the preview↓╰┈➤

Poetry corner

When the soul meets the eyes meets the ears

And an army of people come together

It brings…a poetry corner.

Website creator

Marine George is a multi-talented individual who has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry. She is a screenwriter, producer, and actress, and has worked on several projects, including the mini-series “Wanderlost”.

Marine George’s passion for writing is evident in her work, and she has written poetry and short fiction in addition to her screenplays. Her experience as a travel vlogger has also influenced her writing, as she has drawn inspiration from her own experiences and observations of different cultures.

As an actress, Marine George has brought her characters to life on screen, and her portrayal of Jessa in “Wanderlost” has been well-received by audiences. Her ability to connect with her characters and bring depth to their stories is a testament to her talent and dedication to her craft.

Marine George’s work on “Wanderlost” is a reflection of her creativity and versatility as a writer and actress. Her passion for storytelling and her ability to connect with her audience have made her a standout in the entertainment industry.

As stated by AI